
Get fit following these 7 Steps

If you’ve taken time off from the gym or if working out has never been your cup of tea, it’s not too late to live a more active life, even if it’s not always easy to s put it.

Knowing how and where to start getting fit is hard, especially if you’ve never had a workout before. You may not know exactly what exercises you should do, for how long, and how often. However, these concerns should not prevent you from incorporating physical activity into your routine.

Use the expert tips below to make developing a business plan easier.

By following these recommendations, you’ll have a routine in no time to get fit.

Start your fitness plan

  • Step 1: Go gradually

It may seem obvious, but it’s more important than you think, especially if you’re returning to the sport after a time-out.

“Knowing your current fitness level is necessary to properly set the first steps in getting back into a fitness routine,” says The Expert, fitness consultant, and master trainer. “Being diligent, finding the toughest workout routine, and doing it seven times a week is a recipe for injury. He suggests starting slowly. Exercise or be physically active two to three times a week, 15 to 45 minutes each time.

  • Step 2: Don’t try to do it all at once

When you start exercising again, keep in mind that any amount of movement is good. You don’t have to do 45-minute sessions from the start.

Try to break your total workout time into short chunks, suggests The Expert, an assistant professor of sports science at Alabama. “Start with one or two sessions of ten minutes of walking or a simple no-equipment weight training exercise,” she says. “You will end up accumulating 30 to 45 minutes in total. Doing too much right away may make you sore, tired, and want to quit.

  • Step 3: Start with low impact exercises

If you’re recovering from any injury, start with low-impact exercises to help you regain strength (and avoid re-injury). But what does “low impact” mean? “In cardio, consider starting with an elliptical machine or a spinning bike, which put less stress on the body and the joints,” suggests L’expert. “When building weights, stick to bodyweight exercises or exercise machines at the gym at first. Avoid free weights and dumbbells until you understand the basics of strength training or try taking a group class. Resistance bands are also a good low-impact tool.

  • Step 4: Manage your expectations

Remember that you’re new to the world of physical activity or it’s been a while since you’ve run miles or lifted weights: try not to get discouraged if progress seems slow. “Expect to feel tired or out of breath fairly quickly,” says the expert. “Also be aware, however, that your endurance will increase quickly, especially when it comes to cardio. Cardiovascular capacity increases quite rapidly after the first two weeks. Progress in bodybuilding sometimes takes longer, but it is possible to regain your former ability, provided you take it slowly and don’t get discouraged along the way. “You should congratulate yourself on your good decision and your willingness to exercise,” says the expert.

  • Step 5: Make physical activity part of your daily schedule

If you want to make exercise a habit, treat it like an important business meeting by setting aside time, especially in the beginning. “Creating a schedule helps to keep commitments by the time something becomes a real habit,” says the expert. “When you start getting back into a workout routine, you’re basically trying to form a new habit. The more you include it in your schedule and planning, the more likely you are to commit to it and make it a habit over time. »

  • Step 6: Track your progress

These days, there’s an app for everything, and even a simple notebook can help you turn exercise into a habit by letting you log your progress day by day, week by week. “Journaling helps people think, be responsible and move forward,” says the expert. “Furthermore, the Seeing on paper that you are able to do more this week than last week helps you mentally maintain your motivation to keep working towards your goals. »

  • Step 7: Set a reasonable goal

Motivate yourself to continue with your exercise program by always striving for an achievable result. “Have a reasonable goal and write it down,” says the expert. “Writing it down will help you feel engaged. Tell your friends and family about your goal to get fit and ask them to help you hold yourself accountable. The more support you have, the better. »

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