Best Abs Exercises of All Time
We’ve highlighted some killer ab exercises that you can combine to create a custom workout. Get scammed and lose your love handles.
The best exercises for abdominal muscles are not only for those who want to have a sculpted figure. Athletes in every sport from baseball to soccer to hockey base their physical training on improving core strength through compound movements. Learning to activate your core is key to protecting your spine during everyday movements and sports.
1. Barbell Roll Outs
- Load a barbell with 10kg plates and grab the bar with an overhand, shoulder-width grip.
- Position your shoulders directly over the barbell and slowly roll the bar forwards.
2. Pause, then reverse the move.
- Roll out to a challenging distance, but don’t force your hips to sag.
3. Russian Twists
- Sit holding the weight plate, dumbbell or kettlebell with your arms extended and feet off the floor.
- Under control, quickly twist at the torso, turning from side to side.
4. Hollow Holds
- Start lying on back with with your arms extended overhead on floor and legs straight resting on mat.
- At the same time, and with control, lift arms, head, shoulder blades, and legs off the floor.
5. Dumbbell Deadbugs
- With a dumbbell in each hand, lift your arms towards the ceiling.
- Raise your legs, your knees bent at 90º (A).
- Slowly extend your left arm and right leg simultaneously, keeping your back straight (B). Return, then repeat on the other side.
6. Bear Crawls
- Assume a press-up position with your knees bent at 90-degree angles and directly underneath your hips. Your knees should be elevated.
- Without allowing your lower back to rise or round, brace your abs as if you were about to punched in the gut. Hold this contraction the entire time. This is your starting position.
- Walk” your right hand and left foot forward a few inches. Pause, and then return to the starting position.
- Next, “walk” your left hand and right foot forward. Return to the starting position.
7. Bear Crawls
- Assume a press-up position with your knees bent at 90-degree angles and directly underneath your hips. Your knees should be elevated.
- Without allowing your lower back to rise or round, brace your abs as if you were about to punched in the gut. Hold this contraction the entire time. This is your starting position.
- Walk” your right hand and left foot forward a few inches. Pause, and then return to the starting position.
- Next, “walk” your left hand and right foot forward. Return to the starting position.
8. Butterfly Sit-Ups
- Lie on the ground with your arms extended past your head.
- Bend your knees and have the soles of your feet facing one another so they’re in a diamond shape.
- Crunch your abs to a sitting position as you reach forward with both hands to your feet.
9. Cable Crunch
- Attach a rope to a high pulley and kneel in front of it, with the handles held either side of your neck.
- Without moving your hips, contract your abs to bring your elbows to your thighs.
- Pause for a moment then slowly return to the starting position.
10. Overhead Crunch
- Lie on your back with your arms extended straight over your head so your body forms a straight line.
- Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor then – keeping your arms locked – contract your abs to crunch your shoulders off the floor.