Best Tips for a Successful Fitness Plan Program

Best Tips for a Successful Fitness Plan Program

When someone wants to start an exercise or fitness plan program, it’s important to consider the best approach to meet their needs and goals. Consulting with an exercise or health professional can help reduce the risk of injury and tailor a fitness program to the person’s fitness level and goals. Nowadays, more people are incorporating…

The Best Exercises for a Complete Back Workout

The Best Exercises for a Complete Back Workout

Strengthening your back improves your athletic abilities, refines your silhouette, or quite simply prevents back pain. Here are some tips to follow to strengthen your entire back. Choose the right sports to strengthen your back To strengthen your back, it is first necessary to choose the right sports, those which will allow a harmonious and…

The best sheathing exercises

The best sheathing exercises

Sheathing exercises (back, abs, stomach, lumbar, dynamic sheathing) consist of maintaining a contracted position. You then work your muscles statically.Core training is a great way to strengthen your abs and back. Here are basic sheathing exercises to progress as efficiently as possible. Back planking: the Superman exercise The Superman is one of the reference cladding…

Stomach vacuum: exercises and techniques

Stomach vacuum: exercises and techniques

The “Stomach Vacuum” is both an exercise and a “plastic” pose notably popularized by Franck Zane, one of the most aesthetic bodybuilders of all time. The vacuum has now become an imposed pose for the “Classic Physique” category, a symbol of aesthetics and optimal control of the abdominal strap. Although it is initially only a…