Easy sports exercises to do for two

Do you want to spend a nice moment of sport for two? Testing muscle-strengthening exercises as a duo is motivating!

Before you throw yourself headlong into the sports exercises to do in pairs, and if your partner is not yet ready, we explain why doing sports in pairs is better;).

  Do sports together at home, why do it?

Are you looking to convince your potential sports partner? We help you with four reasons to exercise at home as a duo.

Easy (or not) sports exercises to do for two

1- Sport for two is better because it motivates!

“Come on, put on your sneakers, you promised me we’d go for a bike ride!”

It is sometimes a good omen to take advantage of the enthusiasm and motivation of the other to play sports. Give yourself a moment of effort while keeping the pleasure side while discussing, for those who may have trouble getting started, it motivates! Apart from the sporting aspect, seeing each other regularly, sharing the same efforts and sometimes each other’s successes, well, that can even strengthen the bonds.

2- Sport for two, practical when you are under the same roof!

“Hey, why don’t we do a little yoga session? The weather is not nice outside, it will relax us.”


The advantage is all found when you are under the same roof, you just have to agree your schedule to take out the sports mat at the same time. Whether it’s an activity that lets off steam or a relaxing activity, playing sports together when you live together, allows you to get out of everyday life, to take a break from the usual subjects or to talk about it differently ;).


3- Sport for two, to spend time together, differently

“Film, board games, aperitif, sport? What are we doing this afternoon?”


Shopping, cleaning, laundry, tidying up… sometimes when we live together, the tasks of daily life are not always fun. A sports session together can be a real moment of leisure, exchanges, laughter! It’s all about finding the activity that suits you best.

4- Do sport in duo for more sports exercises possible

No material? Tired of always doing the same exercises? Squats, sheathing, dips… It gets monotonous and I understand you. Well for two, a new field of possibilities is offered to you! For more fun or more difficult exercises, try new ways to work your thighs, abs and pecs!

Sports as a couple: what sports activity to do and why?

It all depends on your goal and your respective physical condition. It has to be a sporting activity where everyone can find their way.

You can have fun building muscle together. Using the body weight of the other as resistance allows you to build muscle while having a moment of complicity and fun.


  • Ideas for sports exercises for two

  • Find your gym partner, roommate, brother or sister, spouse, or best friend and test the exercises to do together. We offer you muscle strengthening exercises, become a resistance tool!
  • Upper body exercises in resistance
  • Standing push-ups, in pairs


  • Placement

In pairs facing each other, palms against each other, body slightly inclined, bend your arms at the same time.


  • Number of repetitions

  • Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions


Safety & breathing instructions

Inhale as you bend your arms, exhale as you push back. Remember to keep the abdominal strap contracted.

The “butterfly” without a weight machine


  • Placement

By two face to face, one with the arms bent at the width and height of the shoulders and pushes outwards and the other with the palms of the hands against the elbows of his or her partner and pushes towards the interior.


  • Number of repetitions

  • Do 3 sets of 30 seconds of resistance then reverse the roles. You can do the same with resistance on the inside of the elbows.


  • Safety & breathing instructions

  • Inhale and exhale naturally. Remember to keep the abdominal strap contracted.
  • Resistance inner thigh exercises
  • Placement

In pairs facing each other, on one foot, knee at hip height, place the inside of your knees against each other and resist.


  • Number of repetitions

  • Do 3 sets of 30 seconds with each leg.


  • Safety & breathing instructions

  • Inhale, exhale as you resist. Remember to keep the abdominal strap contracted.
  • Thigh strengthening exercises

  • Placement

By two face to face, hold your wrists, bend both legs to 90° and sit in a chair, be sure to keep your back straight by finding the point of balance with your partner, the weight of the body is in the heels .

Back to Back Thigh Strengthening Exercises

  • Placement

In pairs, back to back, bend both legs to 90° and slowly settle into a chair, exerting equal force. Make sure to keep your back straight by finding the point of balance with your partner, the weight of the body is in the heels.


  • Number of repetitions

Do 5 sets of 30 seconds.


  • Safety & breathing instructions

Inhale and exhale, remembering to keep the abdominal strap contracted.

Face-to-face sheathing exercises

  • Placement

Face to face in sheathing (legs outstretched or on the knees). Clap your right hand and then your left hand.


  • Number of repetitions

Do 4 sets of 30 seconds, alternating right and left hands.


  • Safety & breathing instructions

Inhale and exhale by squeezing your deep abdominals, be careful not to arch your back on the cladding, especially when you are on 3 supports.

Mixed strengthening/cardio exercises

  • Placement

One of the athletes is sheathing, while the other jumps with both feet on either side of his partner.


  • Number of repetitions

Do 8 sets of 30 seconds alternating roles.


  • Safety & breathing instructions

Inhale and exhale by squeezing your deep abdominals, be careful not to arch your back on the sheath and to lift your feet enough when you jump.

Strengthening exercises with a rubber band

  • Placement

In pairs, one carries the rubber band with his arms outstretched at his ears, the other, with his back to him, holds the middle of the rubber band and pulls on it to feel the work in the arms and the muscles below the shoulder blades.


  • Number of repetitions

  • Do 3 sets of 30 repetitions then switch roles.


  • Safety & breathing instructions

Inhale arms up, exhale as you bring them down. Remember to keep the abdominal strap contracted and to be flexible in the knees.

Which sport to practice as a couple or as a couple?

  • Racket sports

Face to face or as a duo, to compete or get along. If you like indoor games, show a certain fair play and a pinch of patience (not always easy when the other takes 10 minutes to make a serve that finally crosses the net), racket sports may suit you.

  • Climbing

Indoors or in large natural spaces, bouldering or with assistance, take advantage of this moment of calm and concentration with your partner.

  • Ballroom dancing

An artistic activity that allows you to learn to let go, to trust the other. A proximity conducive to exchanges, discover other ways of communicating: touch or just with the eyes. Enjoy the feeling of osmosis that couple dancing can provide.

  • Diving

Enjoy the discovery of an underwater landscape for two, enjoy the feeling of fullness and calm of the underwater depths together.

  • The bike

Sport as a couple is only of interest if everyone finds their account! Combining classic bike and e-bike is an excellent way to erase the differences in level between partners. One has a traditional bicycle and the other an electrically assisted bicycle!

  • Hiking

Hiking is the opportunity to share beautiful moments with family, lovers or friends. For a successful outing, it is essential to adapt your hiking project so that it corresponds to the expectations and level of both. So you can enjoy breathtaking landscapes, a beautiful sunset, and many other wonders that nature has to offer.

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