Can you guess which of these weight loss myths are true?
Certain foods, supposedly known to reduce the transformation of sugars into storage fat and facilitate elimination, would promote the loss of fat mass. However, be careful not to fall into the spiral of mono-food diets, which are harmful to your health.
To reach your ideal weight, a balanced diet and sporting activity are necessary. Some foods can facilitate this process, provided they are integrated into a healthy food hygiene, without deprivation.
Diets: beware of the vicious circle
On the internet, you will find a lot of content promoting mono-food diets. Be careful, if the rapid effects of these diets on weight loss do exist, they do not work over time. On the contrary, once your diet is over, you may well see a few extra pounds added to your ideal weight.
What’s more, by opting for such a diet, you are depriving your body of essential nutritional sources, and this will be felt on your daily form. In short, integrating these foods into your diet is yes, but making them your only source of energy is strongly discouraged.

1/ Lemon: “detoxifying” food?
Beliefs: we know it, the famous glass of lemon juice in warm water, on an empty stomach in the morning… We have seen it, reviewed and re-reviewed it in all its forms, in all sauces ( detox, of course). It is said that lemon is a natural fat-burner, that it promotes digestion… In short, lemon is an incredible slimming food, the superhero of fat-burning foods! Be careful, behind his cape hides a very different reality.
The reality: nothing proves that the lemon would have more detoxifying virtues than another food, since our body has an organ in charge of this function: the liver. And good news, except for a medical problem, it doesn’t need any particular food to do its job! If your liver is having some difficulty fulfilling its role, we invite you to consult a health professional for optimal support (without lemon). Well, let’s still recognize a virtue in lemon: it is full of vitamin C, and can therefore bring you a little boost in case of a rush during the day.

2/ Eggplant: a sponge that “absorbs” fat?
Beliefs: according to certain content available on the web, saponin, a molecule very present in eggplant, would facilitate intestinal transit, limit the absorption of fats in the blood and fight cellulite. From a purely “health” point of view, it would fight against cardiovascular problems, in particular high blood pressure. Eggplant would therefore be a slimming ally.
The Reality: Yes, eggplant is low in calories, but that’s as far as it goes. Moreover, eggplant alone cannot replace a balanced diet, with all the nutritional contributions necessary for your body to function fully.

3/ The apple: fat-burning food and appetite suppressant?
Beliefs: Thanks to the pectin (note: from the food category of fibres) that it contains, the apple would promote weight loss by its “appetite suppressant” effect.
The reality: indeed, the large amount of pectin contained in apples has a satiating effect. A medium apple of 150 g provides approximately 18 to 20 g of carbohydrates (i.e. 74 to 80 kcal) which are slowly and gradually absorbed by the body. Result: by including the apple in a balanced diet, you could limit cravings. For an ideal supply of vitamins, mineral salts and pectin, you can eat raw apples with the skin.

4/ Pineapple: digestion asset to burn fat?
What is said: vitamin C, magnesium, bromelain, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant molecules… The composition of pineapple would make it possible to lose weight, reduce cellulite. Consumed raw or cooked, it would also improve digestion. According to all this, pineapple would be THE fat-burning fruit! Hep hep hep, not so fast…
The truth: this belief comes straight from the 1970s, when the mono-food pineapple diet made its big entrance into diet culture. We then praise the slimming benefits of bromelain, contained in this food. But beware… No scientific study has been able to demonstrate the said benefits. All we know is that pineapple is a natural high-fiber diuretic, and a mono-food pineapple diet may just get you digestive issues and dehydration. Not crazy-crazy.

5/ Oats, a food rich in fiber and protein: a “slimming asset”?
What is said: snowflakes, sound… It doesn’t matter! Oats, very rich in fiber, would therefore increase the feeling of satiety, optimize the system
digestion and eliminate superfluous fats. Thanks to oats, your intestinal comfort would be even better, and would help to avoid bloating.
The reality: if oats are indeed a good source of fiber, and that this promotes the feeling of satiety, it should not be seen as an appetite suppressant, but rather as a nutritional source to be integrated into the framework of your diet. ‘A balanced diet. If in the morning you are prone to morning cravings, you can opt for a breakfast that includes oats. Prepare oatmeal pancakes, rich in fiber and protein, in place of bread or white baguette. This will limit cravings and snacking in the morning.

6/ The avocado, darling of the sportsman?
What is said: its reputation as a fatty fruit sticks to its skin (160 Kcal per 100g), and it is said of it that it would be particularly suitable for athletes. Most of its energy intake is provided by its lipids, composed of a majority of monounsaturated fatty acids (especially oleic acid) which would have a protective role on the cardiovascular system. They would be burned easily during exercise and promote fat burning. The avocado also contains lecithin, which would participate in the cerebral organization of the gesture and the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle. This lecithin would also help regulate cholesterol levels.
The reality: the avocado is perfect for athletes… and the rest of the world. Small warning however, the avocado does not grow in all climates of the world, and requires a large amount of water to grow. In fact, the carbon impact of this food is not to be taken lightly. If you are looking to replace this food, you can opt for oilseed purees: sesame, pistachio, almond… There are many varieties, all as effective as each other!

7/ Fresh salmon: the “good fish” to adopt?
What is said: Salmon would be an excellent slimming ally, 100 grams of fresh salmon is equivalent to 205 kcal.
Fact: This tasty fish is one of the richest essential sources of omega-3s (the “good” fats, the ones that help your heart health). No need to focus on its energy intake to detect the benefits. Vary the cooking methods to enjoy your salmon in all its forms: steamed, baked, en papillote… with a zest of fresh lemon and dill, for a fish full of flavors!