Adapt Your Food Program According To Your Level


  • Your daily calorie intake: 2,400 Kcal
  • Your macronutrient ratio: 49% carbohydrates, 40% protein and 11% fat
  • Number of food intakes: 4 to 6 per day, spaced 3 to 4 hours apart
  • Hydration: 0.04 liters per kilo of body weight


  • Your daily caloric intake: 2,500 Kcal
  • Your macronutrient ratio: 48% carbohydrates, 42% protein and 10% fat
  • Number of food intakes: 4 to 6 per day, spaced 3 to 4 hours apart
  • Hydration: 0.04 liters per kilo of body weight


  • Your daily caloric intake: 2,500 Kcal
  • Your macronutrient ratio: 45% carbohydrates, 45% protein and 10% fat
  • Number of food intakes: 4 to 6 per day, spaced 3 to 4 hours apart
  • Hydration: 0.04 liters per kilo of body weight


  • Adapt Your Dietary Program To Your Morphotype

Daily caloric needs vary from person to person. Establish your food program according to your morphology.


They generally have a rather lean physique, drawn, fairly well defined, straight, thin, with long limbs. It will be necessary to consume at least 2g of proteins, 1g of lipids and 3g of carbohydrates per kg of body weight.


They present themselves with a fairly square and well-muscled physique. It will be necessary to consume at least 2g of proteins, 1g of lipids and 2.5g of carbohydrates per kg of body weight.



Strict diet: 2g, 0.8g of lipids and 2g of carbohydrates per kg of body weight.


  • Six Tips For Eating Well During Muscle Definition

No carbohydrates before sleeping: to maximize the secretion of growth hormone (GH) which protects the muscle and encourages the melting of fat. GH levels rise during the first 90 minutes of sleep. A low blood sugar level allows for maximum GH secretion.

Learn to relax: take the time to eat and enjoy your meals. Stress slows digestion and raises blood cortisol levels, which makes it easier to store fat.

There is no magic diet: there is no “best diet” but rather the best diet for you. Start with a reasonable caloric intake providing protein, carbohydrates and fats then make adjustments based on the results obtained.


  1. How To Make Your Dry Menu?

  2. Dry Menu For Bodybuilding

Breakfast :

  • One Burner XT capsule (or FG for women)
  • Orange
  • A bowl of oatmeal and 0% cottage cheese with a little honey
  • 2 fried eggs

Morning snack:

  • A handful of whole, untoasted, unpeeled almonds
  • A scoop of Isolate HT
  • A slice of wholemeal bread

Lunch :

  • A minced steak (5% fat)
  • A tablespoon of olive oil
  • Half a plate of green beans
  • A bowl of basmati rice

Afternoon snack:

  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread
  • A scoop of Isolate HT
  • A banana
  • One capsule of CLA HT


  • A big bowl of green salad and its house vinaigrette
  • A bowl of coral lentils
  • A chicken cutlet
  • Snack 2 hours before bedtime (optional):
  • 1 scoop of 100% Native Casein


Beyond food, which will be determined according to its level and the amount of fat to lose, women must be vigilant to mood fluctuations that can result from the elimination of fast sugars and the overall drop in carbohydrate intake. .

Many women fail because they feel depressed and obsess over forbidden foods. This is followed by cracking, compensatory hyperphagia, then the resumption of the lost weight.

To avoid falling into this vicious circle common to all slimming diets, be sure to consume more protein, and in particular casein, to feel full between meals.


Next, eat complex carbs at times of day when your appetite is greatest. Around 5 p.m., take a Griffonia or tryptophan supplement to keep serotonin levels high, which will inhibit sweet cravings.



Proteins and lipids are to be prioritized for the first meal of the day. On the other hand, avoid filling up on carbohydrates, because getting up is the time of day when the body is least sensitive to insulin.


3 or 4 organic fried eggs, about 30g of complex carbohydrates (oats, sweet potato flour or wholemeal bread) and a handful of almonds make the ideal dry breakfast!

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  • The Final Word: What To Eat During A Cut?

Protein, fiber-rich complex carbohydrates and sources of essential fats make up the ideal diet for dryness, but also for overall health. Knowing how to calculate your caloric needs and choose the right foods is the only effective strategy for burning fat and maintaining maximum muscle mass. The choice of food supplements will be determined according to your objective, but also your weaknesses. Natural solutions exist to help you feel less hungry, keep your spirits up despite calorie restriction, burn more calories or help the body mobilize adipose tissue more efficiently.

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