Side effects of apple cider vinegar

if you drink it regularly You may already be using apple cider vinegar or apple cider vinegar when trying to lose weight. Maybe you take one serving a day or use it in a low-calorie salad dressing. That’s important enough to state upfront: apple cider vinegar won’t magically melt your pounds. And if you overdo it, the side effects of apple cider vinegar on your body can do a lot. So Are the Claims About Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss Really False?It can help in several ways: If you substitute apple cider vinegar for a calorie bomb like mayonnaise, it may help you shave off some calories, says Leslie Bonci, RD, owner of Active Eating Advice. Keep in mind that this applies to any type of vinegar, not just the cider variety. Although drinking apple cider vinegar is touted as a positive health practice that can potentially help regulate blood Sugar and decrease cholesterol, it could additionally motive severe digestive issues in a few people, notes Eliza Savage, RD. This is due to the high acidity and gastrointestinal issues that can arise depending on alcohol consumption, says Ella Davar, RD, who lives in New York and Miami. “Drinking a full dose on an empty stomach is way too much for people with sensitive digestive systems,” she says. If you have been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, gastritis or irritable bowel syndrome, Davar advises you not to consume this drink. Not sure if your body can handle it? Consult your doctor first. If you still want to try apple cider vinegar, here are the side effects that nutrition experts say you may experience.

1.You could have serious stomach problems.

“Because vinegar is sour, some people don’t tolerate it either,” explains Bonci. Not everyone will have this problem, but if you have ulcerative colitis, an inflammation of the digestive tract, or are just prone to an upset stomach, you should probably stay away. Bottom line: Vinegar — any vinegar — is a great option for adding flavor to foods without adulterating their caloric value, says Bonci. But remember: it’s not a magic potion, so don’t expect a huge transformation.

 2 .stool changes can occur.

Because apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apples, it contains pectin, “a soluble fiber that acts as a natural gelling agent,” says Savage. The pectin in apple cider vinegar can help add bulk to your stool, encourage the growth of good bacteria in your gut, and reduce inflammation. Sounds great right? However, if you consume too much apple cider vinegar, you can get diarrhea. “Apple cider vinegar can draw water into the intestines,” says Savage.This means that the stool can be watery and more often in the form of diarrhea. Needless to say, a not-so-pleasant bathroom experience awaits us.

 3 .They can damage your kidneys.

Another big question about apple cider vinegar is whether apple cider vinegar can harm your kidneys. Amanda Baker Lemein warns people with pre-existing kidney problems against consuming apple cider vinegar. Foods with higher acid levels have been linked to the progression of kidney failure, Davar says. Alkaline foods like leafy greens may be a better option, but as always, consult your GP before trying apple cider vinegar if you have kidney problems.Apple cider vinegar can cause further damage in people with chronic kidney disease.

4 .You may feel an uncomfortable swelling.

If you’ve felt bloated during your period, you know how annoying a bloated stomach can be. And if you’re not a fan, the ACV diet might not be for you. “Consumption of apple cider vinegar delays gastric emptying,” says Savage.This decreases the speed at which food leaves your stomach and enters your lower digestive tract, meaning you feel fuller for longer. Sometimes, delayed gastric emptying can lead to temporary weight loss, Savage says. But it can also cause severe gas, bloating, and nausea. “A healthier dietary alternative would be to increase water intake and choose higher-fiber, starchy vegetables,” says Savage.

5 .They can make your reflux symptoms worse.

“Anyone with acid reflux should be wary of overly acidic foods,” says Lemein. This includes an ACV between two and three on an acidity scale of zero to seven (where zero is the most acidic). “I would say that most people find that adding more acid to their diet negatively impacts the problem they already have,” says Savage. More apple cider vinegar means more stomach acid. And more stomach acid can actually increase or increase the burning sensation in people who already have heartburn or heartburn.

6 .You may feel very weak.

At the risk of sounding painfully obvious, if you’re trying to survive primarily on apple cider vinegar drinks, you’re going to be short on calories to function. “It really creates a sense of imbalance, which is very important,” says Bonci. If you want to start consuming more apple cider vinegar, Bonci instead recommends the vinegar as part of a meal that also includes vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates, ideally as a substitute for salad dressing or a heavier dressing. This way your body will continue to get the fuel it needs and you will save some unnecessary calories.

7 .Your immune system may be compromised.

There is evidence that probiotics and healthy gut bacteria lead to a strong immune system. Apple cider vinegar is a fermented liquid and the fermentation has probiotic properties, so it could be an immune booster…Normal? Hey, not really, said Bonci. Fermented foods can encourage the growth of good bacteria in the gut, he says, and some, like sauerkraut, are vinegar-based. But vinegar alone probably won’t deliver the probiotic punch you need to transform your immune system.

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