The importance of stretching and muscle strengthening

The importance of stretching and muscle strengthening

Stretching and strengthening your muscles are essential in many situations, these can prevent many injuries, improve your flexibility and improve your performance. Depending on your needs, certain muscles should be strengthened rather than stretched and before starting your exercises, it is preferable to practice a light to moderate cardiovascular activity. Here is more on this…

Stretching exercises: the best stretching exercises for increased mobility

Stretching exercises: the best stretching exercises for increased mobility

For many people, stretching is probably on their “should do, but don’t do” list. Eventually, it’s easy to give up stretching along with all the other responsibilities that require your time and attention. The thing is, stretching has some *serious* health and fitness benefits. Making it a regular part of your wellness routine can reduce…

Stomach vacuum: exercises and techniques

Stomach vacuum: exercises and techniques

The “Stomach Vacuum” is both an exercise and a “plastic” pose notably popularized by Franck Zane, one of the most aesthetic bodybuilders of all time. The vacuum has now become an imposed pose for the “Classic Physique” category, a symbol of aesthetics and optimal control of the abdominal strap. Although it is initially only a…

Is yoga alone a sufficient form of exercise?

Is yoga alone a sufficient form of exercise?

When you picture a yoga class, you probably picture rows of mats on which people recline in child pose or savasana. However, depending on the style, flows go well beyond sleep-inducing positions and can get your heart pumping. But can a dedicated yoga practice really meet all your needs for promoting health and longevity? We…

How long you need to hold a plank to see real results?

How long you need to hold a plank to see real results?

Have you ever wondered how long it takes you to hold a plank to get results without staying in the pose a second longer than necessary? We also. Let’s get into the details (spoiler alert: there are transversals to consider), but first: Here’s why you should train your core with the fundamental move in the…